Frequently Asked Questions

We created Oohwoow! because, like you, we see how everything is getting so expensive these days. One of my best friends was telling me how he helped his 2 university-aged kids finance their vehicles while attending university. I never realized how expensive things like car insurance and gasoline could be when you have 3 cars in your household. Also because of their age, insurance premiums are typically more expensive. Add to that living expenses and socializing or just grabbing a coffee every day at school... It all adds up. Then think about when they finally graduate and go out on their own. Typically kids nowadays are so weighed down by debt that they find it difficult just to keep their heads above water. There was a study that I read about recently that showed that modern-day young adults are putting off things like marriage, buying a home, and even paying off their education loans because they are just so loaded down by debt that they can't seem to get ahead. We firmly believe that education and the opportunities that it presents is important but how can we do our part to help sandwich class families to realize this dream without going into a daunting spiral of debt?

Who are we?

Why is what we do important?

How does Ohhwoow! work?