Driver Procedures

Sign up

We will need details of you and your vehicle. Your vehicle must be no more than 10 years old, clean, undamaged, and in good shape. You must have a clean driving record, insured, and minimum 18 years old. 

Advertiser Matching

Advertisers will review details to be sure you meet their ad requirements and are located in the proper area for their promotions. We will then complete the matching and sign an agreement with parties.

Graphic Design and Wrapping

Our wrapping facility will contact you to arrange a time to wrap your vehicle. This work typically takes 2 days but sometimes it might be more, depending on the design and difficulty.

Monthly Reporting and Payment

App tracking for daily driving habits + monthly reporting of odometer readings. Payments can be deposited into a bank account or also directly to creditors to pay down debt / monthly bills, etc.

What Drivers Like Most

Pay down loans, bills and insurance
Earn Extra Spending Money
Passive income to help family
Cool Branding / Graphics

Driver Comments

"I use Oohwoow! to cover my monthly car insurance payments. Who thought I could cover that and also have money left over to put in my savings! Oohwoow!I love you guys!"

"I drive for a ride-share company and it's great that I can do exactly the same thing and earn several hundred dollars more of passive income! I drive an average of 2000 km/ monthly so this extra cash is a godsend. Thank you"

"I attend university in Calgary and while my parents help cover my car expenses, it's great that I can earn some money so my parents don't have to cover everything. Oohwoow! is a great idea!"

How Do I Get Paid??

Great question! This depends on the advertiser you sign on with. Our formula is simple. We are totally transparent with this process so you will know which advertising plan the advertiser chose, the price of that plan, and the length of time the ad contract is for (term). The contract is between you (the vehicle owner) and the advertiser. As the intermediary, we make a small monthly fee of the monthly advertising plan cost that the brand pays. The cost associated to design, print and wrap, and unwrap your vehicle after the ad contract expires, is paid to us. So for instance, if the advertiser chose an Affiliate Plan in which they have a partial wrap on yr vehicle; you would make the monthly ad fee the brand pays, minus our fee. The cost would include 100pcs of A4 sized printed brochures or coupons/ month for you to hand out to people you encounter. If the advertiser signed up for a 6-month plan, you would then make $xxx/ month x 6 months.
Keep in mind, you must keep your vehicle clean and accident/ damage free. Your vehicle must be insured and you must have a clean driving record. If your vehicle gets damaged or is otherwise incapacitated (in the shop or unable to drive) and you cannot fulfill your contracted agreement, you must inform us immediately. It is your responsibility to follow the terms of the agreement.

Register as a Driver

Register as a driver now and start earning extra income, just to drive your vehicle.
Apply to be a Driver

What Can We Do For You?

We are committed to not only helping businesses grow locally but helping local people to get ahead and grow their livelihood. Let us know what you think of Oohwoow! and more importantly, if you have a great idea of how we can do better, share that with us as well.