Kenneth | The CEO

Ken's passion for entrepreneurialism is really something to say "Oh Wow!" about. His 30+ years abroad gives him that unique outlook on building new things and giving tremendous value to the people he works with (co-workers, partners, clients, vendors and investors). Ken's vision is nothing short of inspiring. Oohwoow!

Email Ken

Rob | COO - Ad Wrap Guru

Rob knows everything abut delivering a quality product without any pretentiousness. Everyone loves him as he is not just focussed on delivering the best product, in the best possible way, but he also leads by example. He may be all smiles here, but he's deadly focussed on being the best for all our partners and clients. Leaving our partners and clients saying, "Rob is Awesome! Oohwoow!"

Email Rob

John | Marketing Genius

John spends his days dreaming of how to get the best message out to the most people in the most effective ways. John thinks outside of the box but at the same time within a reasonable, common sense constraint; in order to make sure his message resonates with all people. We think he's a genius; and that's not just our opinion. (It's his, as well! πŸ˜‰ .... ) Oohwoow!

Email John

John CΒ | Advertiser Growth

John C is the consummate professional. He is easy-going yet dead focussed on delivering results. Executives love working with John C as he takes the time to understand their business and how best to deliver consistent Wins. We call John C "The Mailman (Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays John C from the delivery of positive results...") Oh yeah,Β Oohwoow!

Email John C

Tell Me More

All of us here at OOHWOOW! are passionate about helping the working-class thrive. We are equally passionate about helping our great local businesses get their message out and grow their business opportunities in interesting and measurable ways. While we love to be passionate in what we do; we also want to reinvigorate, and re-think the concept of "Local". Instead of creating just another "gig-economy" company, we really want to be a part of the community and help local businesses, local communities and local people, not only survive; but to thrive. We're setting out to do something different. Allow us to introduce you to OOHWOOW!, The most eye-catching mobile billboards....

What We Do

Help Working Class Canadians
Ooh-Woow! Awesome!
"Grow" Local Businesses
Go Local ! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ
Develop Creative, Results Oriented Ads
Creativity in Action!
Vehicle Advertising Wraps
That's a Wrap!! πŸ™Œ
Innovate the Ad-Wrap Space
A Whole New Advertising Paradygm